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Ahlan wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan... Ramadhan Kareem

Friday, August 21, 2009
Semoga kita semua dapat mempertingkatkan amalan-amalan kita pada bulan penuh barakah ini dengan sebenar-benar ikhlas hanya untuk Allah. Maafkan segala salah dan silap, terlanjur kata, tertangan yang tidak semena & terkata yang tidak sebaiknya. Mohon maaf untuk diriku, isteriku & keluargaku. Moga-moga bertemu malam yang diimpikan setiap individu Muslim lagi bertakwa iaitu malam Lailatulqadar.


Selamat berpuasa!

Dari Shafiq, Hidayah, nunu & sekeluarga... :-)

The chemical in you low quality sanitary napkin! Anion is an HALAL Product!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
user posted image
Article from Utusan Pengguna mentioning about the low quality sanitary napkin.

Do you want this to happen to you and / or your love ones? It caused by the chemical in you low quality sanitary napkin!


1. Are you searching for HALAL certified sanitary napkin?
2. Girls and women, are you worried about your yeast infection and the odor it caused?
3. Husbands, are you annoyed with your wife's yeast infection and the odor it caused?
4. Are you worried by itchiness at your private part?
5. Are you worried by your fertility?


1. Do you know that there is a sanitary napkin which is HALAL certified.
2. Do you know that there is a sanitary napkin that can kill bacteria in your private part that can cure you and your wife's yeast infection?
3. Do you know that the sanitary napkin usually made of recycle paper and bleached by using chemical to make it white in color? Do you want your private part is bleached by chemical?
4. Do you know that women related illness get more critical after sanitary napkin was introduced? This is caused by women is using low quality sanitary pad.
5. Do you know that there is an expiry date on sanitary napkin and supermarkets will sell it cheaper once the date is getting nearer? Do you want to use expired product and let it "touch" your private part?
6. Do you know that the glue that is used on low quality sanitary pad is industrial quality and the stickiness remains at your panties even after you wash your panties?
7. Do you know that the itchiness is caused by bacteria at your private part?
8. Do you know that your fertility can be deteriorating caused by the bacteria in your womb?


'Love Moon Anion Sanitary Products' cares for woman's health through technology to benefit all women in the world.

2. Dry, air permeable, comfortable
3. Anti-bacterial and deodorization functions through purely physical processes
4. Use of highly effective and super strong absorption agents to meet physical needs
5. Compliance with national hygiene standards and prevention of infection
6. Patented Vaginitis Self Test Card provided free of charge can be used for genital health check.


(links have been updated)
1. Malaysia Halal Certification
2. China Halal Certification
3. Anion Strip Patent Certification
4. China Famous Brand
5. A Trustworthy Company in Guangdong, China
6. China Protected Brand
7. High Tech Product Recommended by The World Institute of Chinese Medicine
8. Top Ten Trusted Sanitary Product
9. Consumer Rights Protection Credible Enterprise
10. China High Quality & Trusted Brand
11. China Top Ten Favored Brand
12. European CE Certificate of Compliance
13. Hong Kong Safety Mark License
14. ISO 9001:2000 Certification
15. Official Product of 6th Changcun's Asian Winter Games 2007
16. A Charity Star of Chinese Women's Public Welfare Undertaking
17. A Star Company of Poverty Alleviation 2007
18. Asia Pacific Super Excellence Brand 2006 / 2007
11. Product Liability Insurance worth RM1,000,000 Certificate by Great Eastern

Do not wait any longer. We are discussing about your biggest asset. That asset cannot be bought anywhere. And nobody will give their reproduction system to you once yours is no longer usable.

Do you still want to feel uncorfortable although you know there is a solution for your women's related problems? As Nabil Raja Lawak always says...Lu Pikir La Sendiri...


1. EASY - Small packaging
2. SAVE - Can store 5 times more liquid than normal brand
3. FREE GIFT - Vaginitis Self Test Card. Let you test your own private part cleanliness. Don't let other people do it for you.
4. SAVE MONEY - No need to buy anti fungus medication
5. PROVEN - Proven to kill bacteria
6 GUARANTEED - Product use insured by Great Eastern for RM1,000,000


Price Revised
user posted image
FREE GIFT FOR EVERY PACKET YOU BOUGHT: Vaginitis Self Test Card (Your private part cleanliness test kit)

All purchase will be wrapped nicely in case you are embarrassed. No one will know what you buy. If you buy sanitary napkin at supermarket, the cashier not even wrapped it. Every one in the supermarket will know you will be on "holiday".

Can you claim any warranty when you don't feel comfortable when you are using them? For Love Moon, Great Eastern holds the product liability up to RM1,000,000.


- Courier only


Do you want to see some product demo? Do you feel embarrassed to order here? You can order too by using:

1. Email your order / inquiries to ibn_qasim83@yahoo.com / mohd.shafiq@live.com.my
2. Call Mohd. Khairi / Normah : +6 013 - 217 9296 / +6 013 - 267 9196


user posted image

user posted image

user posted image



Eight Unique Features Of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins

1. Dry, air permeable & comfortable.

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin has three main components:

i. The surface layer;

The surface layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin is made of thin silk and soft cotton materials to keep the delicate skin dry and comfortable.

ii. The absorbent layer;

The middle layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin contains highly effective super strong absorbent agents that can turn the liquid discharge into a jelly-like state to eliminate the sticky feeling.

iii. The base layer;

The base layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin is made of air permeable materials that allow diffusion of water molecules in the gaseous state to rapidly drive away moist air, thus effectively reducing moisture and heat between the napkin and the skin to maintain a dry and comfortable feeling.

2. Anti-bacterial and deodorization functions through purely physical processes.

The padding in each Anion Sanitary Napkin is embedded with an Anion Chip that can release high density anion (Negative Ion) to help regulate body functions,such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. There is no side effect.

3. Use of highly effective and super strong absorption agents to meet physical needs.

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin has an absorbent layer. This is made of highly effective and super strong absorption agents as well as leak-proof materials through a special high-tech process. When the liquid discharge comes into contact with the layer, it is absorbed such that there is no back flow or leakage. This will ensure a comfortable feeling and convenience in movement.

4. Compliance with national hygiene standards (China) and prevention of infection.

‘Keeping dry, air permeability and cleanliness’ are three main principles of genital care. Production of healthcare sanitary products must strictly comply with the GB15979-2002 hygiene standard.

The main assurance measures taken include:

(1) Strict control over the hygiene standard of the raw materials for sanitary napkin.
(2) Using enclosed production plant of international advanced standard for fully automated sequential production with fully automated packaging.
(3) Using advanced easy-to-open air-tight adhesive packaging to ensure the product is free from bacterial or fungal infection.

5. Patented Vaginitis Self Test Card provided free of charge can be used for genital health check.

Kelebihan Love Moon - Tuala Wanita Anion

1. Kering, resap udara dan selesa.

Anion Love Moon mengandungi tiga bahagian – lapisan permukaan, lapisan tengah dan lapisan bawah. Lapisan permukaan dihasilkan daripada sutera dan kapas agar kulit sentiasa kering dan selesa. Lapisan tengah dilengkapi bahan peresap berkualiti tinggi agar dapat menukarkan cecair kepada bentuk jeli bagi mengelak rasa melekit. Sementara lapisan bawah dicipta tembus udara bertujuan mengalirkan molekul air keluar bagi mengurangkan kebasahan dan bahang antara tuala dengan kulit. Satu tuala wanita Anion Love Moon mampu menyerap sehingga 200ml darah kotor bersamaaan 4 @ 5 kali tuala wanita biasa tapi dalam masa yang sama memberikan keadaaan selesa kerana kadar resapan yang cepat dan kering.

2. Anti bakteria serta menyerap bau.

Penghasilan setiap tuala dilengkapi pita anionic yang dapat meringan kepadatan anion bagi membantu meningkatkan fungsi tubuh badan, menguatkan imuniti, mengelak jangkitan kuman dan menyahkan bau tak menyenangkan. Yang penting ia tiada sebarang kesan sampingan! Lapisan pita anion dengan kekuatan 6,070cm3 ion negatif ini mampu melindungi wanita sehingga 8 jam dan memastikan wanita bebas dengan bakteria.

3. Menggunakan bahan resapan terbaik sesuai dengan keperluan fizikal.

Anion Love Moon mengandungi lapisan-lapisan bahan resapan. Bahan ini dihasilkan daripada bahan pilihan terbaik bagi mengelak kebocoran yang diproses melalui kaedah teknologi paling unggul. Ini menyebabkan cecair yang mengalir akan terus diresap tanpa meninggalkan sebarang kesan tak menyenangkan. Keadaan ini pastinya membuatkan pergerakan pengguna selesa sepanjang hari.

4. Seimbang dengan piawaian kesihatan bagi mengelak sebarang jangkitan.

Sentiasa kering, tembus udara dan kebersihan merupakan tiga elemen yang sangat diperlukan dalam pengeluaran tuala wanita. Pengeluaran barangan tersebut mestilah terikat seratus peratus
dengan GB15979-2002 standard kesihatan dunia.

Perkara yang cukup dititikberatkan adalah:
a. Pengawalan ketat berkaitan kesihatan bahan mentah yang digunakan untuk tuala wanita.
b. Dihasilkan melalui kilang yang memiliki Tahap Kepercayaan Antarabangsa menggunakan mesin automatik, begitu juga ketika proses pembungkusan.
c. Menggunakan kaedah mudah dibuka walaupun kedap udara bagi memastikan produk bebas jangkitan bakteria ataupun kulat.

5. Dipaten dengan kad ujian guna sendiri bagi menguji tahap kesihatan.

Kad ujian Pap Smear yang bertujuan khusus untuk memeriksa sejauh masa kesihatan mahkota wanita.

Pack Love Moon Anion Sanitary Pad-Daily (warna Biru)

Mengandungi 10 keping tuala wanita berpaten berkualiti tinggi khusus untuk kegunaan pada hari-hari biasa Khusus bagi wanita. Ujian makmal mendapati ketahanan selama 8 jam tanpa bakteria.
Isipadu muatan 150ml - 200ml. ukuran panjang - 245mm
RM 18.00 (tidak termasuk kos penghantaran)

Pack Love Moon Anion Sanitary Pad - Pantiliner (warna Hijau)

Mengandungi 30 keping tuala wanita berpaten berkualiti tinggi khusus untuk kegunaan pada hari-hari ,tidak datang haid dan kegunaan alternatif untuk kesihatan Pelbagai guna untuk lelaki dan wanita. Ujian makmal mendapati ketahanan selama 8 jam tanpa bakteria. Kegunaan umum untuk anggota sulit lelaki atau wanita.

Kegunaan lain:
- Kelesuan : Letakkan pada stokin/kasut
- Sakit Kulit : Letakkan pada tempat yang sakit
- Lelaki : Rawatan prostat, buasir, angin, dll
- Wanita : Stabil hormon, kanser
ukuran panjang - 155mm
RM 20.00 (tidak termasuk kos penghantaran)

Pack Love Moon Anion Sanitary Pad - Overnight (warna purple)

Mengandungi 8 keping tuala wanita berpaten berkualiti tinggi Khusus untuk hari-hari berat khusus bagi wanita. Ujian makmal mendapati ketahanan selama 8 jam tanpa bakteria. Isipadu muatan 200ml.
Anda pasti tidak terasa kehadirannya!
ukuran panjang - 280mm
RM 18.00 (tidak termasuk kos penghantaran)

Harga Istimewa 1 Set
= RM 50.00

Hubungi En. Mohd. Khairi / Pn. Normah : +6 013 - 217 9296 / +6 013 - 267 9196

Video : Product Demo : Anion Sanitary Napkins

Video : Product Demo : Anion Sanitary Napkins

Experiment 1: Looking at the packaging Of Anion Sanitary Pad

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin Packaging Others Brand Packaging
Anion Sanitary Napkins
Other Brands

The external packaging of sanitary napkin in the market is mostly of ordinary plastic materials and once it is opened, it cannot be sealed again. The same is seen in the inner packaging for the individual pieces of napkin. In the production process, this can easily lead to contact with human hands, thus causing second contamination.

Anion Sanitary Napkin: the external packaging uses aluminum foil packaging normally required for food product packaging. It has the easy-to-open seal stripe which can be reused and has better anti-moist, antibacterial and antifungal functions. Each piece of sanitary napkin is automatically packed and sealed once it is first formed on the production line so that it will not come into contact with human hands, thus preventing second contamination and ensuring safety and cleanliness.

Experiment 2: Degree of Comfort by hand contact for Anion Sanitary Napkin

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin
Love Moon

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin is thinner and softer and gives a more comfortable feeling as compared with other brands.

Experiment 3: Observing examples of absorption, side leaking and back flow for Anion Sanitary Napkin (Pad)

Anion Sanitary Napkins

Sanitary Napkins (Pads) Test 2

Brand A

Sanitary Napkins (Pads) Test 3

Brand B

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Pads with more absorption ability

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins

We use the injector to inject 50ml of water into the three sanitary napkin one by one. By pressing on the surface of the sanitary napkin with our hands, we will find that the surface of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin is comfortably dry. However, for the other sanitary napkin, water will flow out from the surface and the sides when we are pressed.

After that, we use a piece of tissue paper to press on each of the three sanitary napkins, the tissue paper pressing on the Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin will not show any water mark.

The menstrual discharge accumulated in the sanitary napkin will make the napkin moist. Due to the nutrients contained in the menstrual discharge, a piece of sanitary napkin used for 15 to 18 minutes can become a ‘breeding ground’ for bacteria. Many women would feel that the sanitary napkin in use are giving some odor and causing uncomfortable feeling and itchiness. These are due to the bacteria that have multiplied rapidly. Therefore the sanitary napkins must be changed frequently. But it is very difficult to change a napkin every 20 minutes. Ordinary sanitary napkins in use for two hours would have accumulated abundant bacteria on the surface. During their menstrual period, the women have relatively weaker body resistance and the bacteria which enter their body through the vagina could lead to diseases. Many female genital diseases can thus be caused by the sanitary napkins used. As such, it is important to choose sanitary napkins with high absorption capability and dry surface.

Experiment 4: Taking a look at the composite materials

Seven Layers Of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins

Love Moon
Other Brand
Layer 1 Soft and comfortable cotton surface with absorption which is twice stronger. Surface of artificial fiber or rough surface of soft cotton.
Layer 2 Anionic tape of world advanced standard and granted with national (China) patent, can effectively get rid of the cause of female vaginal inflamation ie anaerobic bacteria. No such anionic tape or using medicated tape.
Layer 3 and 5 Dust-free paper after strict sterilization is used for 360 degree wrapping of the absorbent agent. Paper pulp from recy cled items with high level of chemical bleach is used as filing material, or chemical fiber materials are used.
How dreadful it is for the sensitive skin to come into close contact with suck kind of materials.
Layer 4 Adequate absorbent agents which are colourless. Low quantity of absorbent materials.
Layer 6 A base film which is permeable to air but not water. Plastic film which is not air permeable.
Layer 7 Adhesive base layer used for food product. Adhesive base layer used for industry.

Introduction to layers 3 and 5: Many sub-standard products in the market are mostly made of paper pulp manufactured from recycled wastes. These raw materials contain high levels of lead, bacteria and microorganisms as well as abundant additives used during the re-processing stage such as industrial alkaline, bleaching powder, deodorizer, fluorescence agent and other chemicals. These are all alkaline substances that can easily lead to diseases.

In healthy condition, the human skin has a pH value indicating weak acidity which has its immunity function. The many sub-standard sanitary napkin products commonly found in the market have high contents of alkaline substances that would disrupt the skin acidity, making the human physiological condition conducive for the growth of trichomonad bacteria that can destroy sperms in the vagina to cause infertility. Such patients who go to see the Chinese physicians may be asked to take Chinese herbs for years but all to no avail. If they could see experienced doctors, they would be given proper medication and asked to change to another type of sanitary napkin for two to three months to see if the situation would change.

Layer 4 of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin contains absorbent agents of high quality imported from Japan. It has the characteristics of being healthy, environment friendly and non-swelling and could enhance body immunity with its appropriate pH value.

Experiment 5: Showing the air permeability of the underlying layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin Test 1Love Moon Anion Sanitary NapkinTest 2Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin Test 3

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin Test 4
Love Moon
Other Brand

We use underlying layer of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin and other brands to cover a glass of hot water. Wipe three other empty glasses dry and put each of them upside down on the underlying film covering the glass of hot water. After one to two minutes, the reserved glass covering the ‘Love Moon’ sanitary napkin underlying layer is noted to have vapour on its side, proving that the layer has good air permeability. Turn the glass of hot water covered with the ‘Love Moon’ layer upside down and show that no water can flow through the layer.

The experiment proves: ‘Love Moon’ underlying layer is permeable to air but not water can flow through the layer.

Experiment 6: Looking at the adhesive stripe

Let us look at the adhesive stripes of the products. The adhesive stripe of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin is made of food gum which is the same as that of chewing gum. The adhesive stripes of the sub-standard products of sanitary napkins are mostly made of industrial gum with high levels of methanol, ethanol, formaldehyde and heavy metals which are harmful to the body. If they keep sticking to the underwear and diffuse to the fabric materials, they could come into direct contact with the internal physiological environment through the skin, sweat and vaginal discharge to reach the vagina, causing many female genital diseases.

The experiments prove that Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin has strong absorption and is always dry, air permeable and comfortable.

Comparing prices

If we use the ordinary sanitary napkin, we are more vulnerable to various bacteria and may incur heavy expenses for treatments of various genital diseases of varying degrees of seriousness. As such, viewed from the perspectives of health and price, Love Moon’ Anion Sanitary Napkins are worth the money spent. At the time of the month when women need the best care, the use of Love Moon Sanitary Napkin can keep us away from female genital diseases and give us a healthy and happy family.

Anion Panty LIner (Pantiliner) (Panty Liner with Negative Ion)

Photo of Anion Panty Liner

A pantiliner is an absorbent piece of material used for feminine hygiene. ( also know as "panty liner" or "panty shield"). The uses of pantyliner include: absorbency for daily vaginal discharge, light menstrual flow, post-intercourse discharge and slight urine leaks.

Pantiliner is related to sanitary napkins in their basic construction - usually much thinner and often narrower than pads. Panty liner absorb much less liquid than normal sanitary napkin, pantiliners ideal for light discharge, everyday cleanliness and personal hygiene. Panty liner is unsuitable for menstrual flow or medium to heavy incontinence.

Each piece of Anion Panty Liner consists of Anion Chip that able to release up to 5,800-6,070 Negative Ion (Anion) per cubic cm. Helps women to prevent bacterial multiplication, vaginal infection/discharge, eliminates odor and promotes comfort. We strongly encourage women who have vaginal infection/discharge use Anion Panty Liner every day to overcome their problem. Anion (Negative Ion) released able to help them to fight with the bacterial infection at their vaginal.

(Source from http://sanitarynapkin.110mb.com/demo.html)

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin (Sanitary Napkin with Negative Ion)

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin (Sanitary Napkin with Negative Ion)

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin

Advantages Of Love Moon - Anion Sanitary Napkin

1. Dry, air permeable, comfortable

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin has three main components:

i. The surface layer;
The surface layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin is made of thin silk and soft cotton materials to keep the delicate skin dry and comfortable.

ii. The absorbent layer
The middle layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin contains highly effective super strong absorbent agents that can turn the liquid discharge into a jelly-like state to eliminate the sticky feeling.

iii. The base layer.
The base layer of Anion Sanitary Napkin is made of air permeable materials that allow diffusion of water molecules in the gaseous state to rapidly drive away moist air, thus effectively reducing moisture and heat between the napkin and the skin to maintain a dry and comfortable feeling.

2. Anti-bacterial and deodorization functions through purely physical processes

The padding in each Anion Sanitary Napkin is embedded with an Anion Chip that can release high density anion (Negative Ion) to help regulate body functions,such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. There is no side effect.

3. Use of highly effective and super strong absorption agents to meet physical needs

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin has an absorbent layer. This is made of highly effective and super strong absorption agents as well as leak-proof materials through a special high-tech process. When the liquid discharge comes into contact with the layer, it is absorbed such that there is no back flow or leakage. This will ensure a comfortable feeling and convenience in movement.

4. Compliance with national hygiene standards (China) and prevention of infection

‘Keeping dry, air permeability and cleanliness’ are three main principles of genital care. Production of healthcare sanitary products must strictly comply with the GB15979-2002 hygiene standard.

The main assurance measures taken include:
(1) strict control over the hygiene standard of the raw materials for sanitary napkin.
(2) using enclosed production plant of international advanced standard for fully automated sequential production with fully automated packaging.
(3) Using advanced easy-to-open air-tight adhesive packaging to ensure the product is free from bacterial or fungal infection.

5. Patented Vaginitis Self Test Card provided free of charge can be used for genital health check.

Patened Vaginitis Self Card as free gift from Anion Sanitary Napkins

Self Test CardSelf Test Card

Seven Layers Of Protection for Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin

Sevens Layers Protection for Love Moon Sanitary Napkins

First Layer

Premium soft cotton surface, double absorbency.

Second Layer

Exclusive patented “Negative Ion Chip” or “Anion Chip”

Third Layer

Sterilized and dirt free paper.

Forth Layer

Plant extract as premium water absorbents with strong liquid retention.

Fifth Layer

Sterilized and dirt free paper.

Sixth Layer

Breathable bottom layer that allow free-flow of air.

Seventh Layer

Easy to peel off, fold lines adhesive design (food grade gum).

Eight Unique Features Of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins

Eigh Functions Of Anion Sanitary Napkin

  1. Reduce Stress
  2. Treating Inflammation
  3. Strengthening Immunity
  4. Enhances Hormonal Balance
  5. Removing Fatigue
  6. Enhances Metabolism
  7. Eradicate Odour
  8. Eliminating Harmful Bacteria

The Negative Ion Chip (Anion Chip) in each piece of Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin can release up to 5800-6070 Negative Ion (Anion) per cubic cm. The intensity of Negative Ion (Anions) released will effective suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkin.

Certificates, Awards and Test Report for Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins

Certificates and Awards for Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin (pdf file) from China, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

Test Report for Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin (pdf file) from China, Hongn Kong and Singapore.

(Source from http://sanitarynapkin.110mb.com/)

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins / Pads

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin, Sanitary Napkin with anion (Negative Ion)

Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins / Pads

Love Moon - Anion Sanitary Napkin (Pad) is a tech product in this modern world, the Anion (Negative Ion) Chip in Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkins can release up to 5,800-6,070 Negative Ion (Anion) per cubic cm. The intensity of Negative Ion (Anion) released will effective suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkin. Anion (Negative Ion) in Anion Sanitary Pads can help regulate body functions such as antibacterial capabilities, deodorization, through purely physical processes. Love Moon Sanitary Napkin is the first and only hygienic antibacterial sanitary napkin in the market today. Helps women to prevent bacterial multiplication, eliminates odor and promotes comfort during menstrual period.


huge amount of recycled papers

Recycled Paper Store

Reclycled Paper

Women....we have now the Answer....a Sanitary Napkin that refreshes a woman's feeling during menstruation..no more itchiness..no more hassles..no more fuzz..you would even forget you have "period". So comfortable that you can do just right about anything what you usually do on your regular days.

107 bacteria on sanitary pads after 2 hours used

As much as 107 bacteria can grow and multiply on 1 mm sq. surface of common sanitary napkin after continuous usage of normal sanitary napkin for 2 hours

Sanitary Napkin with Anion (Negative Ion)

Anion in Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin able to kill bacterial on the sanitary napkins / pads

Anion (Negative Ion) on the Love Moon Anion Sanitary Napkin able to suppresses the survival and multiplication of bacteria on the sanitary napkin. Anion in Love Moon Sanitary Napkin release up to 5800 negative ions per cubic cm which has been proven in numerous scientific studies to protect against genital diseases, eliminating harmful bacteria, odor, enhance comfort and improve your health.

(Source from http://sanitarynapkin.110mb.com/)

Doa Selamat Dari Penyakit (Dato' Haji Mohd Murtadza Haji Ahmad)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Di ambil daripada blog Dato' Haji Mohd Murtadza Haji Ahmad